Thank you so much for nourishing Erotic Embodiment and our offerings by subscribing. We’re so happy you’re with us in this flourishing community. February 2022 is our first month on OnlyFans and we’re immensely grateful for your interest, curiosity and patronage, as our page begins it’s journey.
We’re devoted to sharing practical methods to bring you into presence with your delicious body and deep into your ecstatic bliss.
When you join our Only Fans community you receive:
❤️ access to our virtual Monthly Sacred Rage Ritual
access to Rapture virtual offerings
❤️ a growing collection of Roll and Release videos
an expanding medley of ecstatic and erotic meditations
❤️ exclusive interviews with healers, guides and practitioners
uncensored content not-safe for sharing on mainstream social media
❤️ a far more personal look into my life
10 – 25% off all my workshops, webinars, courses and retreats
❤️ and this is just the beginning!
Welcome to our space. Enjoy yourself ❤️